Show #659 Original Air Date: November 22, 2018 Darlene Pawlik, Chair, Educator on Human and Sexual Trafficking, Pt. 1 Topic: Inspired and based on the Old Testament story of Rahab, whose acts saved lives as she went from harlot to herione, Darlene Pawlik developed an on-line twelve part educational module on human sex trafficking. Since Pregnancy Resource Centers are the front lines of sex trafficking, Darlene's targets this market first. Topics deal with: emotional abuse which is the #1 method of coercion by traffickers; 12 to 17 year olds are the age most at risk, representing 49% of all sex trafficking; social media makes it easier to target and exploit this age group; 82% of victims are lured by false promises; and an estimated 100,000 underaged minors are brought into the sex trade each year in America. Darlene's course deals with effective response to human trafficking; identifying the vulnerable and victimized clients; implementing trauma informed care and provide resources to help trafficked clients to find freedom. See - Rahab's Gift Back to Video index page Back to LifeMattersTV Home page |