Show #662 Original Air Date: December 20, 2018 Elizabeth B. Rex, M.A., Ph.D., M.B.A. The Children First Foundation Topic: Dr. Liz Rex discusses the long and litigious journey her organization, The Children First Foundation, has endured trying to get 'Choose Life' license plates on the road in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. She promotes adoption and 'baby safe havens' as the loving choice for mother and baby. She was successful in Connecticut and New Jersey. Regarding New York, the U.S. Supreme Court 'bundled' her 'Choose Life' license plate case, three years later, with a Confederate flag case, and lost when Clarence Thomas voted with the four liberal judges, thereby allowing states to censor and discriminate on who's message can be heard. A silver lining has resulted with the Choose Life 'Half Plate' which does not require state legislative nor administrative approval. Pro-Life folks in states like Vermont, California, Illinois and Rhode Island can purchase these 'Half Plates' on an annual membership basis for only $20 to $25 and it is usually tax deductible! Proceeds go to pregnancy help centers in each state e.g. NY 100, CT 33 and NJ 65 or so centers. Dr. Rex alludes to adopted children, who became famous e.g. Steve Jobs of Apple, Dave Thomas of Wendy's and Tom Monaghan of Domino's Pizza. - The Children First Foundation Back to Video index page Back to LifeMattersTV Home page |